It was a draaaag. At least for me. I guess others always find a way to enjoy this week-long holiday but for me? Lazy days again. Aside from occasionally going to school to write an article about an insignificant event and win second place in quiz bowl, I stayed home and slept and ate and watched TV and slept and ate and watched TV and played some game and ate and slept and watched TV... It's the usual cycle of activities of my sedentary, desolate life.
Well, actually this aren't the only things that compose and define my daily living. I have other "stuff" but I never mention them to anyone else. So I definitely won't type about them here. Who doesn't have secrets? I'm a good lier. But I don't lie to hurt someone else or myself especially. I don't lie to impress or appease others, like some people I know. I lie usually to excuse myself. I lie to mask a refusal to an invitation or, in this case, to keep secrets, both mine and of my friends. I felt bad about this lying. But again, who doesn't lie? Especially when it come with his secrets?