I have, again, been oblivious with my blog. I have to post something now. So here it is - a prophecy:
Ye, Filipinos, shall despair. Thy self-proclaimed, not to mention grotesquely ugly, hero shall fall before one of the Mexicans he has been assassinating. He then shall lose his commercial endorsements, singing contract (which he doesn’t deserve!), bragging rights, and, thank God, his fantasies of being a drop-dead gorgeous guy, which is the opposite of what he really is!Oh Fate! Please don’t let me be a false prophet. I want all this torment to end. Just recently, I heard from the news that Morales is sure that he will win his third match with Manny Pacquiao. He did sound like the arrogant bastard that he is. But I do hope he has palabra de honor. I have this feeling that Manny will lose this time. I can’t wait to witness the chain of consequences after his defeat.
I don’t want to see him in ice cream (”O mga bata, mirinda na!”) and fast food commercials (“Papara-Pacquiao!”) ‘coz it curbs my appetite!
I don’t want to hear another “Ixtrem Magec Seng” song from him ‘coz it forces me to waste time in changing channels until that commercial ends.
I don’t want to see him working out shirtless with his sons in another vinegar commercial ‘coz it’s simply disgusting (and corny)!
I don’t want to see his wife endorsing ointments just ‘coz she’s Manny’s woman!
And I don’t want to see him trying so hard to speak in fluent English to impress people in press conferences ‘coz it insults me as a Filipino! If he finds English hard, why can’t he be just like Erik Morales who speaks in his own language in front of the international public with an interpreter?
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